Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Project Brief


Yesterday as part of our Animation fundamentals module, we were introduced to the Betty Smithers design collection at the uni. Our brief being to select an object/objects to make a film around it, We didn't have long to look, but for me it was heaven, I absolutely love hunting around charity shops for weird and wonderful vintage bric a brac so I could of stayed all day. There were objects ranging from electrical items, costumes, photographs, advertising packaging to magazines.
The first thing that caught my eye was the old radios, and the boxes containing the old advertising packaging, I love the old 1950's style of packaging and I'm always buying old vintage tins and snuff boxes when I see them.          


My most favourite discovery was the box of fur stoles, I love vintage fur and taxidermy, especially stoles as they are so creepy but beautiful at the same time, I think it would be great to animate. 

After the Betty Smither's collection, a few of us decided to also check out the Potteries museum in Hanley to look at more objects, whilst I preferred the Betty Smithers and will be basing my film on objects found there, it was good to look round this museum, as they put the items into context with setting up scenes of each era of the 20th century. They also had a pretty good taxidermy section too!

We were asked to come up with 3 rough ideas of a story, I quite liked the idea of making an advert for the collection, I've really gotten into paper cutting recently so have been thinking of having objects 'ripping' themselves out of paper, this also lead onto thinking of sewing patterns. They had a section of them at the Betty Smithers but I didn't get chance to look, I've booked in to go again later so I can have a proper look at them, but I liked the idea of laying out a paper pattern, having the pieces rip themselves out and come together to form the item of clothing themselves.
I also liked the idea of something to do with taxidermy, maybe the animals coming back to life,however as this is only a 4 week project maybe that's something to put in the pipeline for later on.

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